Zetland   Zetland  What Is A Foundation

Zetland provides comprehensive services to ensure that client corporate vehicles are administered in a transparent and tax efficient and compliant manner

What Is A Foundation

A foundation is a legal entity which shares the characteristics of both a company and a trust. The term “foundation” has a lengthy history generally referring to an institution which is public in nature or which is set up to serve the public.

The concept of a private interest foundation began in 1926 when the Principality of Liechtenstein enacted laws enabling the setting up of foundations for the benefit of persons and families. Liechtenstein is a tiny independent, neutral country situated between Switzerland and Austria and for many years had a monopoly in the field.

Liechtenstein foundations have been very popular with individuals from civil code jurisdictions where the Anglo Saxon trust concept was not understood well. In recent years other jurisdictions have enacted legislation to give recognition to and facilitate the establishment of foundations.


基金會是指既有公司性質又有信托特徵的法人實體。“基金會”一詞有悠久的歷史,一般指性質為公眾或為服務公眾而設立的機構。 私人利...





